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You’ve worked hard for the money you’ve earned.  Let us help you keep and use your money to protect your family, enjoy the life you imagine, and share it with future generations and charitable causes. Take a look at the 1NW solutions for Financial Planning and Investment Management:


Financial Planning


Whether you’re hyper focused on a specific project or looking to develop a strategy for lifelong financial freedom, we believe every goal starts with a plan.  We remain available to provide planning to all of our clients. Using our 1Nsight Process, we can work with you to determine your goals and provide you with the optimal, customized plan to achieve them while properly protecting your family and assets in the most tax-efficient manner possible.

Investment Management


Through active discretionary investment management, we can help you optimize your portfolio based on your goals, cash need time frames, risk profile, and stage in life.  Our asset minimum is $500,000 because we believe that once you’ve reached or exceeded that threshold, you will need to diversify to more active management.  Our firm offers ongoing active management with outstanding back office support at competitive management fees.

ServicesFinancial Planning HourlyInvestment Management Ongoing
Active Asset ManagementX
Downside Investment ProtectionX
Account AggregationX
Retirement ReadinessXX
Investment/Portfolio ReviewXX
401(k) Review/Plan AdvisingXX
Tax Planning & Tax-Efficiency StrategiesXX
Goal SettingXX
Risk AssessmentXX
Insurance Analysis/StrategyXX
Cash Flow AnalysisXX
Education FundingXX
Life Transition PlanningXX
Real Estate TransferXX
Coordination with Financial Professionals (i.e., CPA. Attorney, etc.)XX
Estate Financial Planning/Legacy PlanningXX
Family Philanthropy StrategyXX
Pension PlanningXX
Charitable AdvisingXX
Divorce NavigationXX
Business SuccessionXX


“Why is constant monitoring such an advantage over ‘hourly as needed’ guidance?”

If you have a more complex financial picture ($500K+ investment portfolio and/or nearing retirement), you cannot rely on time to fix any errors that you or the markets may have caused from not paying sufficient attention to your portfolio.  Having our investment team monitor and actively alter your portfolio to match your risk/comfort levels and need for cash to meet expenses allows you to focus on more important (fun!) parts of your life. 

“What is active management?” 

As investment advisors, we aren’t just placing you in an investment portfolio and reviewing it once a quarter or once a year, we are monitoring and managing your assets and investments on a daily or weekly basis to ensure they meet your goals, limit your expenses, are tax-efficient, and are earning the optimal return for your risk tolerance. 

“Do you write wills or prepare tax returns?”

We are not estate planning attorneys or tax preparers (CPAs) but, when requested to do so, we will work with your chosen tax & estate advisors to help ensure that your plans and documents fit with your overall financial goals. Even though we don’t sell insurance, we’ll also work with your chosen insurance professional to do the same.

Determining Which Charitable Beneficiary Option is the Best for You


One of the many provisions of the new SECURE Act is that if a non-spouse inherits an IRA (with a few exceptions), distributions must be taken over 10 years or rather than over his/her life expectancy. This can create considerable tax consequences as taxes will be paid in higher percentages as it pushes those who inherit into higher tax brackets. Given this, you may want to consider using a unique planning strategy. Please take the quiz below to learn what planning strategy may be a potential solution to the new tax issue created by the SECURE Act.